Recently The New York Times released its annual list “Restaurant List” of “Our 50 Favorite Places in America,” and two Miami spots made the list for Florida.
After months of deliberation, David Sheldon Fearon wrote a letter in 1959 to the committee responsible for developing the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible. Fearon, recently deceased, was then a 21-year-old seminary student in Canada who hoped to call attention to a mistranslation he’d discovered.
It can be easy to overlook our allies. At a time when the government is targeting LGBTQ from the petty (removing LGBTQ from the state’s tourism website) to the dangerous (invading the doctor/patient relationship), it’s our allies who stand with us, fight with us, and remind us we are not alone.
“What kind of question is that? Who doesn’t like happy hour?” So answered my friend Tony when I asked a simple question.
One of the perks of being a food journalist (I hate the term restaurant critic) is that I sometimes get invited to tastings when restaurants are introducing their menus or adding items to their menus to members of the press.
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