
When Wilton Manors’ police chief, Gary Blocker, announced in April that there were seven out of 32 open officer positions, eyebrows were raised. During a meeting between the city and the department’s union, the Police Benevolent Association (PBA), it was revealed the situation is much more dire than first believed. 

The sun will beat down and a DJ will be dropping beats as the fifth annual FLoatarama flotilla wends its way through Fort Lauderdale’s waterways. America’s biggest Pride on water, according to organizers, has quickly become a staple of South Florida Pride month.

On a sweltering night, simmering rage became a rolling boil when police stormed into the Stonewall Inn. Violence ensued and fires burned. NYC’s stigmatized LGBTQ community wasn’t taking it anymore.

The proposed Wilton Hotel & Pool Club has taken a key step to becoming reality. During the city commission meeting on May 14, the panel voted unanimously to approve final changes to the plans and cleared the way for developers to proceed.


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