
Operating in an “anti-LGBTQ” state as the first and only queer community center in Miami-Dade, Pridelines executive director Edward Summers said his organization’s presence is vital.

A short 20-minute MARTA ride from downtown Atlanta, Brookhaven stands as a testament to the perfect blend of history, modernity, and community. As a city that has grown from a small farming community to a thriving urban hub, Brookhaven offers its residents and visitors a unique experience with its tree-lined streets, diverse neighborhoods, and an array of cultural and recreational opportunities.

San Francisco has long been a haven for queer people of all stripes. So it's no surprise that the city has an LGBTQ bookstore in the middle of the city's official "gayborhood," the Castro. Perusing the shelves of Fabulosa Books treats the consumer to a delightful mix of queer biographies and autobiographies, books for gay men, lesbians, trans people, and more. The store also has regular in-person appearances by queer authors reading from their work.


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Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


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PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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