Guest Column

There is no sugarcoating it. In last week’s debacle, er, debate, Joe looked like he was Biden’ time before the Grim Reaper arrived. His biggest weakness going into the showdown was his advanced age, yet he somehow managed to look older than 81. At times it appeared as if he were auditioning to play the late George Burns’ role in a sequel of Oh God! (And “Oh God!”, is what polite Democrats muttered after the first 30 seconds of the debate. Most used more colorful language.)

Throughout the years of the LGBTQ movement, our struggles, setbacks and disappointing legislation has made it a very difficult journey for most of our community members. Our community members have fought vigorously for equal rights and equal opportunities. We have made tremendous strides, but there is still so much work to do.

I started my family more than two decades ago via in vitro fertilization (IVF), and I’ve watched with growing alarm as the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision that overturned federal abortion rights two years ago has also endangered access to this common fertility technique. Jennifer Klein, director of the White House Gender Policy Council, spoke with me about the threat and the Biden administration’s response.

I'm a lesbian who has only dated women, but lately I've been attracted to a man who I work with, I just feel something different with him that I haven’t felt before with other men. Does this mean I'm not really a lesbian? Does this mean I’m bisexual? I’m so confused about my sexuality.


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