Wilton Manors

Welcome to the Wilton Manors Gazette where we cover all things Wilton Manors and Oakland Park.

The designs look amazing. Sweeping murals, a gracious entrance and an intimate pool deck could entice just about anyone. But the devil, as it often is, is in the details. Wilton Manors’ Development Review Committee (DRC) is charged with putting plans under a microscope and making sure every square foot meets city code. They have a list.

Broward County’s affordable housing crisis has been years in the making, and solving it may take even longer. During their meeting on July 25, Wilton Manors city commissioners were briefed on how dire the situation has become.

From a regal line of princesses to foodie-oriented rats to Goofy (whatever he is), Disney has long been a cultural touchstone for the LGBTQ community. For a century, the House of Mouse has given us underdogs to root for and a blueprint for standing up to villains.


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


Corrections: corrections@outsfl.com

2520 N. Dixie Highway,
Wilton Manors, FL 33305



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