During last night’s walk with Sebastian, two young adult males rode by on bicycles, one yelling to the other, “You’re a f*cking man. Suck it up!”
The Wise Snowy Owl
Brian McNaught has been an author and educator on LGBTQ issues since 1974. Former Congressman Barney Frank said of Brian, “No one has done a better job of chronicling what it’s like to grow up gay."
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) trainings are essential for every employee to feel distinct, equal, and included. I had the great privilege of designing the first DEI workshop on LGBTQ issues in the workplace in 1986, and ended up training many thousands of employees throughout North America, England, and the Pacific Rim.
“Oh, tell me sweet Jesus, I really want to know. Will there be gay people in heaven, and if there’s not, who in the hell wants to go?”
The consensus of scholars is that Donald Trump can’t yet be labeled a fascist, despite his undisputed megalomania, buffoonery, and willingness to do anything to win. He has no concern for the common good, only for people and policies that enshrine his name and further fill his pockets. His flirtation with the U.S. becoming “a white Christian nation” is self-serving.
The hospital room was dark. Visiting hours after my back surgery were over, and Ray was by then home. I realized then that I was soaking wet in the ice water that melted from the pack they had put under my back. The sheets, blanket, pillowcase, and my hospital gown were drenched, and I was inconsolably miserable.
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