Letter to Editor

During the recent Wilton Manors Commission workshop April 9 on Public Art, a poem I wrote, “The Bunny On Wilton Drive,” was read to the audience by Commissioner Don D'Arminio. And now, I share it with you.

I hereby urge you to engage and implement outside oversight as it pertains to abuse, medical neglect, and conditions of confinement within the jails of Broward County, Florida. Vulnerable populations have been repeatedly overlooked and forced to suffer in the jails, which raises concerns about the culture and climate of this facility.

The recent Rock the Block event held on Wilton Drive was a remarkable activation of our designated Arts and Entertainment district. HarmonyWaves’ event showcased the power of combining international LGBTQ artists with our exceptional local talent. It was a world-class event that exemplified why “Life is Just Better Here” in Wilton Manors!

Don and I are incredibly humbled and honored to receive the Justin Flippen Community Trailblazer Award from Human Rights Campaign. Justin was a friend and mentor, so it makes this honor even more special.


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