“Sebastian” (Kino Lorber), newly released on Blu-ray, is the second full-length feature from queer writer/director Mikko Mäkelä. It tells the story of Max (hot queer actor Ruaridh Mollica), a gay man in his mid-20s. Max works as a journalist at hip Wall Magazine and is doing research for an interview he has been assigned with writer Brett Easton Ellis.
During a typhoon in the future, a cargo vessel containing a shipment of Universal Dynamics robots, crashes on an island. Except for one, Rozzum model 7134, all the others are destroyed. That's the way "The Wild Robot" (Universal/Dreamworks) begins.
You might not think that “My Old Ass” (Amazon Studios/MGM), a movie about a queer, 18-year-old girl’s shroom-fueled journey of self-discovery, would be one of the best movies of 2024, but you’d be wrong. The second full-length feature film from Canadian writer/director/actor Megan Park features unforgettable performances that are as original as the premise itself.
With each passing year, the list of LGBTQ documentaries continues to grow and includes classics such as “Paris Is Burning,” “A Secret Love,” “The Celluloid Closet,” “Brother Outsider,” “We Were Here,” and “The Times of Harvey Milk.” Marc Saltarelli’s “Studio One Forever” (Gravitas Ventures), which was popular at multiple film festivals, is among the latest arrivals.
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