Robert Cole - The Public Service Patron

  • This is a part of our Out & Proud List

Photo by Donald Lokuta.

Robert Cole is a native Floridian that serves as the Executive Director for Our Sister’s Place, a thrift store that supports victims of domestic violence.

A past recipient of the Jefferson Award for public service, Cole has prepared and packaged meals at Project Angel Food in Los Angeles and supported events at the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

Cole played a key role in promoting and presenting the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt display in Washington, DC, in 1996 and has coordinated and volunteered at Quilt displays over the years. He created and produced the weekly public affairs television program AIDS 101 to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.

Recently, Cole volunteered for the inaugural Mizz OUTSFL Pageant and the Melissa St. John LGBTQ College Student Scholarship fundraiser and is in the planning stages of opening his own nonprofit.

“I am humbled by being considered for inclusion in OUTSFL's [Out & Proud List] for 2024,” Cole said. “Being mentioned in the company of so many distinguished and accomplished members of the LGBTQ community gives one pause for reflection. Growing up with food insecurities, there is a quote by Mother Teresa that has long resonated with me. She said, ‘If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.’ While her words are few, they have nonetheless had a profound impact on my commitment to public service and have led me to understand that we can all help others in need through the simplest of acts. I extend my gratitude to everyone at OUTSFL for considering me worthy of this honor."

Homepage: OUT & PROUD 2024


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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