Ximena Dipietro - The Trans Christian Activist

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Photo by Carina Mask.

Ximena Dipietro is a 23-year-old senior at Florida Atlantic University studying history with a minor in peace, justice and human rights. She is a transgender woman, Mexican American, and also identifies herself as a Christian pacifist.Dipietro was raised Baptist and converted to Quakerism a couple of years ago.

“The basic tenets of Quakerism are simplicity, peacefulness, integrity, community and equality,” Dipietro said. 

Dipietro is active in Solidarity, a socialist student organization at FAU. 

“I first really got involved in activism as a college student, as many people do. When I first came to FAU, I ran into solidarity, a leftist, anarchist, socialist organization, but also very queer,” Dipietro said. “I think the majority of people involved in Solidarity are queer. So I found this to be a very comforting and open place to be and throughout two years I just became more and more involved.”

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