Edward Summers - The Homeless Youth Advocate

  • This is a part of our Out & Proud List

Photo by JR Davis.

Miami is back for the LGBTQ community, and much of that is due to the work of Edward Summers. He’s nearing the end of his first year as executive director of Pridelines. Over the past few years, its influence and impact were contracting. Since taking the reins, he’s moved the group back into the city and rallied support.

He’s secured a $2.4 million grant to support homeless youth, money that will go a long way to helping to house insecure youth.

“The grant represents not just financial support, but a validation of our mission and effectiveness in serving homeless LGBTQ youth. It propels us forward in our efforts to create positive change and improve the lives of vulnerable young people in South Florida,” he said.

Summers is also helping launch The Joy Ride, a successor to the long-running SMART Ride. All the projects are interconnected and form a bigger picture.

"My hope and goal for the LGBTQAI+ community is to be in a world where we are free to be our authentic selves and have equitable opportunities to live a fulfilling life. I yearn for a world free of discrimination, racism, ageism, sexism, anti-Semitism, colorism, etc. A world where we are accepted, included, embraced, and provided with a supportive environment to allow our community to thrive in a very complex world. I yearn for a utopian world of understanding, peace and love."

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