Guest Column

The Elon Musk-Mark Zuckerberg rivalry, entertaining as it is, dances around a crucial question: How do we reign in extremism on social media?  If it can’t be done without offending the First Amendment, how do we bracket and tag misinformation so that people are at least aware that they are being manipulated, not informed?

Photo via Pixabay.

Like many of you, I am hopelessly addicted to Facebook, the online social networking service created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard College friends. Though I have been a member for quite a while, I did not really get involved in the program until the pandemic hit us. Stranded at home with not much to do, I began to explore the social media that everyone was talking about. It was amazing, interesting, sometimes annoying, and now I can’t live without it. 

Ron "DeSanctus, DeSaster" DeSantis. Photo via

Ron DeSantis, Republican candidate for President, still refuses to admit Joe Biden won in 2020, supported election deniers in 2022, and denies J6 was an insurrection. Last week he announced that “on day one” in the oval office, he’d ‘aggressively’ review pardons for the J6 rioters, suggesting relief for those unfortunate victims of “political targeting.” 

Pride flags via Pixabay.

First, I am happy to bring “Jesse’s Journal” to its new home, Out South Florida (OutSFL) and to do so on LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Though pride in one’s sexual orientation or gender identity should be year-round, it is good to set apart a month to showcase and celebrate our community and our culture. 


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Wilton Manors, FL 33305



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