
This article discusses the meetings of two recent, local HIV planning bodies. On Aug. 24, The HIV Planning Council (HIV PC) met. On Sep. 8, the South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) met.

The end of The SMART Ride (SR) doesn’t mean the end of the community that’s formed over the course of 20 rides. Thousands of riders, crew, and volunteers work every year to raise a million dollars for HIV service organizations in Florida.

The 9 a.m. Sunday service at Sunshine Cathedral was interrupted when someone lit a fire outside the church. Witnesses say the man was burning something in what appeared to be some kind of ritual, likely in opposition to the LGBTQ-affirming church.

A little drag and a lot of fun are in store this weekend as Wilton Collective hosts its annual Reverse Quinceañera (RQ). Founder Julian Cavazos began the tradition on his 51st birthday, the reverse of 15 which is the traditional age for a quinceañera.


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