Details Emerge in Craig Jungwirth’s Latest Arrest

Photo courtesy of Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office.

Craig Jungwirth has a history of allegedly harassing people online. He was recently arrested in Okeechobee County last month after being charged with criminal stalking, a misdemeanor. 

OutSFL has now obtained the arrest report from that incident.

Derek Nails, the arresting officer, wrote, “After being placed in hand restraints and placed in the back of my patrol car, Craig complained of heart pain and chest pain. At this time, I requested [an] EMS respond to my location.”

Nails and other first responders took the situation seriously, but it quickly became clear that Jungwirth was gaming the system.

“Craig was transported to Raulerson Hospital, where he refused medical attention.” The report goes on to state, “Craig was also causing a disturbance, yelling, cursing and being very aggressive with hospital staff.”

Refusing medical attention, Jungwirth was released from the hospital and booked into jail.

Jungwirth is accused of being a serial harasser. He was arrested on stalking charges after allegedly harassing a South Florida barber.

For months Jungwirth evaded the warrant, out of Broward County. He even made the cover of OutSFL with the headline “Have You Seen Me.” He was eventually caught in Okeechobee County where he spent a few days in jail but made his $2,500 bond and was released before being extradited to Broward or appearing before a judge.

Since the arrest, a different judge extended a personal protection order (PPO) to one of the victims. The first hearing in that case took place April 25, but Jungwirth did not show up. The next date is May 22.

After he bonded out, he was accused of immediately returning to his old tricks. His first court date on the stalking charge is May 13 in Broward County.

This isn’t the first time Jungwirth has claimed medical discomfort while being arrested. In Orange County in December 2018, he was arrested for holding his mother against her will.

The report says, “While in the back seat of the patrol vehicle, Craig complained of having chest pain and a heart attack.”

When rescue crews arrived, “Craig refused to get out of the vehicle, and when he was [removed] by deputies, Craig made himself ‘dead weight’ and dropped to the ground.”

Are you a victim of Craig Jungwirth? We want to hear your story. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Craig Jungwirth Promotes Bestiality; Facebook, Growlr Ignore Harassment | Opinion

Arraignment Date Set for Craig Jungwirth

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Arrested! Craig Jungwirth In Custody

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Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


2520 N. Dixie Highway,
Wilton Manors, FL 33305



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