OutSFL's Most Eligible List of 2025

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Looking for love?

South Florida is home to tens of thousands of LGBTQ individuals searching for love — sometimes in all the wrong places. For this Valentine's Day issue, we're shining a spotlight on a few of them.

Throughout December and January, readers submitted nominations — whether for themselves or others — and we selected a handful of nominees to feature.

The response was incredible, with so many wonderful nominees. We only wish we could have included more.

We hope to continue this feature in the future, celebrating some of the region's most interesting and eligible LGBTQ individuals on their journey to finding love.

Interested in meeting one of these people? Just email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll make sure to connect you.

Check them out below:

2025's Most Eligible: Edwin Chad Neimann

2025's Most Eligible: Eric Runyan

2025's Most Eligible: Daniel Franzese

2025's Most Eligible: Robbie Shore

2025's Most Eligible: Aaron Doughtry

2025's Most Eligible: Leonie Wims

2025's Most Eligible: Carlo Mercuri

2025's Most Eligible: Glen Weinzimer

2025's Most Eligible: John-Michael Gordon

2025's Most Eligible: Michael Nemerof and Dooney Potter

2025's Most Eligible: Shawn Palacious

2025's Most Eligible: Layton Stover

2025's Most Eligible: Kevin Clevenger


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


Corrections: corrections@outsfl.com

PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



Got a juicy lead or story idea? Let us know! You can also submit an anonymous news tip by clicking here.



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