How do you identify? Gay cis-male.
Business Owner - Tech Support.
Where do you live?
What are you looking for in a partner?
A man who's independent and has his own interests and friends but is also emotionally available. Although net worth is unimportant to me they should be self-sustaining financially. I mesh well with younger men that are adventurous rugged and value fitness. Oh and good-looking is a plus too!
Biggest turn off?
Showy people with a constant need for attention and those that think their value is demonstrated by their possessions, wealth or position.
Biggest turn on?
Confidence and self-deprecating humor.
Sprint Triathlon, camping, international national film and cuisine, and travel.
Any charitable/volunteer work?
President of Front Runners, Reel Men Film Club and founding member of local self-help group.
What’s your love language?
Acts of Service.
What’s your favorite date night activity?
Not really a date night activity but I love to take prospects camping to test their mettle.
What’s your favorite self-care activity?
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Nutella and shortbread cookies.
One obscure fact about yourself?
My original college major was pre-seminary.
What's your motto?
Seek not the truth, but only to give up cherished opinions.