Looking Ahead At Rainbow Sports League’s Summer Plans

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Photo via Rainbow Sports League, Facebook.

It’s not too early to start daydreaming about summer –– Rainbow Sports League gave a sneak peek at what it has in store during the sunny season.

Throughout the summer, you can play basketball, pickleball, kickball and volleyball.

Rainbow Sports League is an LGBTQ-friendly athletic organization dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space for athletes of varied skill levels.

Sign-ups for basketball are currently open, with play starting on May 12 at L.A. Lee YMCA.

Indoor pickleball registration opens in June and costs $125 to sign up. Matches will be held on Sundays starting July 13 at L.A. Lee YMCA.

Summer kickball starts on July 7, with games occurring every Monday from 7-8 p.m. at Mickel Park. Registration costs $60.

Indoor volleyball matches kick off on July 10 at L.A. Lee YMCA. Games will be held on Thursdays from 6:20-8 p.m. Registration opens in June, and you can sign up for $85. It will be 6v6 matches, so get your team together or prepare to make new friends by registering as a free agent.

To learn more about summer play with Rainbow Sports League, visit rainbowsportsleague.com/about-3


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