The 2024 Election: How is This Still 50/50? | Opinion

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Writing this election column has been an honor. As we hurtle toward Election Day — the most important election of our lifetimes — many, myself included, are stunned that it’s still neck and neck.

How is it possible that half the country supports a disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term former president who is also a convicted felon? He’s a senile, old man in severe cognitive decline. He’s incoherent, to say the least.

So why is the mainstream media pushing this narrative? The answer is simple: MSM is owned by huge billionaire conglomerates, and billionaires want a Republican presidency. The level of scrutiny Harris and Biden face while Trump gets a free pass would be comical if it weren’t so terrifying.

Look at the latest headlines: “Dems in Trouble,” “How Taylor Swift Endorsing Harris Could Hurt Them,” “Harris Needs to Give More Interviews.”

Democrats are not in trouble, and really — tell me how an endorsement from Taylor Swift, the biggest pop star on the planet with over 300 million followers, could hurt Harris?

Honestly, I’m glad the media is claiming it’s 50/50. In 2016, we got complacent. Polls had Hillary Clinton way up, so people stayed home. You know the rest: the rise of the Former Guy.

Do not get complacent. Vote.


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