
I’m watching the first snow in Chicago, fighting an urge to withdraw from national news for a while. Any familiarity with world history makes clear the imperative of resistance before jackboots kick down the door, but watching Republicans’ abrogation of duty in service to a charlatan taxes one’s mental health. I don’t want to give Donald Trump and his unqualified goons that much power.

As Dec. 1 approaches, we are reminded of the profound significance of World AIDS Day. This day is dedicated to honoring those lost to HIV/AIDS and advocating for those living with the virus. In Florida, particularly within the LGBTQ community, World AIDS Day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS and the resilience of those affected.

For a man so inept he bankrupted casinos in Atlantic City, it turns out Donald Trump is an adept gambler. In my Oct. 29 column, I framed the election by writing: “The Trump campaign is premised on a risky bet. It is a wager that Americans are secretly as vicious, vulgar and vile as Trump himself.”

After the Democratic Party’s defeat, a chorus of elected officials and party operatives pointed the blame not at themselves, but at trans people who are part of one of the only constituencies Vice President Kamala Harris made gains with. Looking at the numbers, the Democratic Party should only be saying one thing to the LGBTQ community — thank you.


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