The Haake Take

Sabrina Haake is a columnist and 25 year litigator specializing in 1st and 14th Amendment defense. Her Substack, The Haake Take, has no paywall.

I’m watching the first snow in Chicago, fighting an urge to withdraw from national news for a while. Any familiarity with world history makes clear the imperative of resistance before jackboots kick down the door, but watching Republicans’ abrogation of duty in service to a charlatan taxes one’s mental health. I don’t want to give Donald Trump and his unqualified goons that much power.

Carreteras partidas por la mitad, casas desaparecidas y comunidades enteras borradas del mapa. La furia del huracán Helene cruzó las fronteras estatales desde Florida, dejando una estela de destrucción profunda en Georgia, Carolina del Sur, Virginia, Tennessee y Carolina del Norte, matando al menos a 227 personas.

In the new movie “Lee,” Kate Winslet plays WWII photographer Lee Miller, whose photographs of Nazi Germany captured some of the most haunting images of all time. Miller worked for Vogue Magazine in the 1920s, ‘30s, and ‘40s, first as a model, then from the other side of the camera. Behind the lens in the 1940s, she recorded blood-curdling scenes from Hitler’s death camps, widely discovered only after the liberation of Paris in 1944.

Unveiled amidst a daily grind of outrage and threats, Donald Trump’s latest swindle, $100,000 “Trump watches,” has been largely overlooked by voters and mainstream media. It shouldn’t be. Trump has made the watches available for purchase through virtually un-traceable Bitcoin; any foreign actor seeking favor with Trump can purchase one, two, or 50 of them.


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