Group Aims to Clean Up Wilton Manors’ Parks; Makeover in the Works

Photo via the City of Wilton Manors, Facebook.

From Mickel Park on the westside to Hagen Park, the crown jewel of Wilton Manors’ park system, to pocket parks that dot the city, Wilton Manors has an abundant green space. Over the past 15 years, the number of services offered by the city’s Leisure Services Department has greatly expanded, and is the backbone of the slogan “Life’s Just Better Here.”

Maintaining high standards isn’t easy. Now a group is aiming to lend a hand. Friends of Wilton Manors Parks has the goal of not just maintaining those standards, but taking them to the next level.

“This started because the city doesn’t have a line-item budget just for parks,” Friends member Helena Hantzes said after a recent meeting. “Any funds the parks department raises goes into the general fund. This was thought up to plug-in some financing that the budget can’t cover.”

They are starting with two goals. The first is to raise awareness of the group and get the community involved. The group is discussing plans for a series of park cleanups around the city, so every neighborhood is involved.

The second is to beautify Rachel Richardson Park at Andrews Ave. and 21st Ct. It’s a pocket park that has a popsicle sculpture, a bench, and is a nice patch of green space along the busy road. Most could look at it and think it’s fine. But Hantzes and company see so much potential.

“We want to light it up, because that area is very dark. We’ll do what we can to the fencing. Put some nice, pollinating shrubs and plants. The sign could use a ‘little pretty’ too.”

To learn more about Friends of Wilton Manors Parks, visit their Facebook Page.


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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