High school gym class: a time some loathed, some thrived, and others coasted by. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, there’s always been one activity that is universally-beloved — dodgeball.
Whether you’ve been sticking with the sport through your adult years or you simply want a rush of nostalgia for the “good ol’ days,” Pride Sports USA is ramping up its 2025 winter dodgeball season.
But hurry: late registration closes on Feb. 4. The cost to sign up with the late fee is $79.50.
Pride Sports USA is an LGBTQ-friendly sports league with groups spread throughout the nation. If you want a taste of what it has to offer, there are two upcoming open play sessions.
Sessions are free and will be held on Jan. 28 and Feb. 4 from 7-9 p.m. at Holiday Park. That location is also where all regular season matches will take place.
Matches will be held on Tuesdays until the season ends on March 25. You must be 21 or older to participate.
For more information on indoor winter dodgeball, visit https://linktr.ee/PrideSportsFTL.