OutSFL Wins Regional Award

Photo illustration by Julie Palmer.

OutSFL won a first-place award in the annual Green Eyeshade Awards - a journalism contest covering 11 states across the Southern U.S.

The award is in the category of Feature Writing.

Three writers were named, including Michael Anguille, Savannah Peifer and Michael Koretzky.

The stories submitted included:

The DeSantis Defiers: Meet 5 LGBT Activists Who Are Giving the Governor Hell - by Savannah Peifer and Michael Koretzky

Husbands Share Their Home with Rescues, Facilitate Adoptions Worldwide - by Michael Anguille

Gay Divorce: Not so Different Than Straight Divorce - by Michael Anguille

“We’re thrilled to win our first award in the Green Eyeshades,” said OutSFL Publisher Jason Parsley. “A big congrats to Savannah and both Michaels.”

The Green Eyeshade Awards are the nation’s oldest regional journalism contest. It’s a part of the Society of Professional Journalists. OutSFL has also been nominated in the upcoming Sunshine State Awards - a contest just covering the state of Florida.

Parsley has been nominated for General Commentary & Criticism. OutFAU Editor Mary Rasura was nominated for College Journalist of the Year, partially for her work at OutSFL. Those awards will be announced on Aug. 17 in Hollywood.


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