Special Meeting Aug. 16 to Discuss Development of Alibi Plaza

Photo by John Hayden.

After months of silence and delays, discussion on the redevelopment of Shoppes of Wilton Manors, aka Alibi Plaza, is ready to restart. The city’s Planning and Zoning (P&Z) board is holding a special meeting to discuss development plans on Aug. 16, in the city commission chambers.

It’s been months since the development has been discussed. The developers were scheduled to appear in June, but withdrew at the last minute. P&Z’s regular July and August meetings were canceled. The only item on the agenda is discussion of this project.

People close to the negotiations say there were unresolved issues around parking in the proposed garage.

The plans call for the more recessed building on the lot, the one with Pride Factory, to be demolished and a parking garage built. In the current parking lot in front of that building, a mixed-use building would go in with street level shopping with housing and amenities above.

The building with Alibi and Hunters, as well as the parking lot in front of them, will remain untouched.

Community concerns include how the mid-rise will affect the aesthetic along Wilton Drive as well as how LGBTQ culture will be affected.


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