Why be Happy, and Why be Proud? | Opinion

Illustration created by Craig Tuggle.
Illustration created by Craig Tuggle.

“Happy Pride Month.” What does that mean? Can we be happy in the midst of the legislation that seeks to erase our current and historic presence in the curricula of schools, from kindergarten through college? Absolutely!  

Can we be happy while knowing that our brothers and sisters in many places in the world are being murdered and imprisoned. Yes. It will all change, slowly but most assuredly. There is no stopping the evolution of the Universe, and the Universe can’t fully evolve until our presence is treasured.  

I am so happy to have been born gay because it has given me opportunities to see the natural world in ways generally unavailable to most others. It has to do with my brain and my ability to tap both my feminine and masculine. Others may see a stained-glass window and like it. I am enthralled by it. Sometimes I can’t move because a hibiscus blossom is so magnificent in color, or an orchid so elegant.  

I’m happy to be gay because I love the energy of gay men together. I once participated in a weeklong gay naturist gathering of 600 men who during the day had canoe races, played cards and bingo, and lounged by the pool, and at night danced in a place and way that felt as close to heaven as I could imagine.  

I’m happy to be gay at this time in history because I’ve been given the opportunity to fully participate in my own liberation. Each generation of us has been and will take on new challenges to have our presence in the world celebrated. We are and have been grooming them to fully appreciate our being, but first we needed to ensure they woke up.  

I’m proud to be gay because I know deep in my heart that the Universe, in its ever-evolving manner, brought me forth to help others experience Love. There is no separating my loving kindness from my being gay. That is not to say that straight men can’t be and aren’t givers of loving kindness, nor does it mean that all gay men manifest loving kindness, but in my life experience they are inseparable.  

It was the fault of the world’s slow evolution that I was ever feared or despised. Ignorance prevailed, and people called me and other gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people horrible names. But as the consciousness of the world continues to evolve, there will be embarrassment at its behavior toward us. We use the word “Pride” to remind ourselves to keep our heads up high in the midst of this unconscious ignorance of who we are and why we’re here.  

So, yes, “Happy Pride Month.” For at least this month of June, let’s remind ourselves of the genius we have already manifested in the arts, sciences, and in the loving care of all of God’s creatures. I love being gay, and I’m proud of myself. 


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