Let it Be | Opinion

Photo via Unsplash.

A friend wrote about a conversation she had with her son regarding the differences between Catholics and Southern Baptists. She told him that Catholics aren’t allowed to read the Bible.

While I’d agree that growing up Catholic didn’t require much reading and discussing the Bible in parochial school, there isn’t a prohibition of perusing it. Some Catholics are biblical scholars. However, I have no desire to correct my friend, as I know it will lead to frustration and a waste of time. Let it be.

When I thought of the words “Let it be,” I started singing the song by Paul McCartney, and then looked up the lyrics. 

“When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.”

The message that you get from both the Tao te Ching and the Wu Wei Ching, spiritual guidance from the time of Confucius, is to focus on your own growth and not that of another. Let it be. Don’t try to make others into things they weren’t meant to be. That doesn’t mean we don’t tell our own story, but not try to correct the story of another. I’ve spent 50 years telling my story to strangers around the world. It either impacts their thoughts and behaviors or it doesn’t; only they can decide. So, when I’m finished, I let it be.

In a successful, happy, long-term relationship, you have to know when to let it be, to let it go. Couples who bicker don’t let anything pass. Their back and forth is about one upping. In our relationship, we work to ensure that we’re both winners. No one is asked to do something it’s known in advance they don’t enjoy doing, such as going to a fundraiser. Let it be.

In Ray’s 12-step virtual meeting this morning they talked about “pause.” Pause before you react. Pause before you say something that can’t be unsaid.

We’re sitting here waiting for a service person. The appointment was for 11 a.m. but she asked at the last minute if we could make it 11:30. This is the third time in three appointments when last-minute changes have been made. Do you let it be because it is ultimately unimportant or make it an issue? 

There are, of course, different interpretations of the lyrics to “Let It Be.” It doesn’t mean saying nothing in the presence of evil. In 1969, when McCartney wrote the song, there was a lot of anguish going on around him, especially personal to him in Ireland. “Let it be” can mean “stop fighting.” So, “Let it be” can be whispered words of wisdom about the war between Hamas and Israel. Is there any way to bring peace and prosperity to everyone? If not, do I just let it be?

The wisdom to know the difference. What’s worth going to the line for, and what should be allowed to pass unacknowledged?


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