Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis To Announce Presidential Campaign Using June Anti LGBTQ+ Pride Month

The moving vans are in Tallahassee and it can only mean one thing. Queer News Tonight has predicted Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' potential run for President of the United States for more than a year.


But we can confirm tonight it’s not moving vans that signal the announcement. Florida GOP politicians and political insiders say it’s actually June LGBTQ+ Pride Month that is the signal that DeSantis is getting ready for a major announcement. For weeks I have been talking to GOP insiders including state elected officials and GOP advisors to try to understand the motivation behind the recent months of the Florida legislative session, President Trump's legal challenges and what the Governor will do next. In breaking news Queer News Tonight can report Governor DeSantis will announce his Presidential ambitions with intentional timing as a statement against June LGBTQ+ Pride Month. A legislative director for a Tampa Bay GOP Senator spoke to me on the condition of confidentiality.


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