Will Life Just Be Better Here If We Surrender Our Heritage? | LETTER

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Photo via www.wiltonmanors.gov.

In October, the City Commissioners recently discussed turning the Richard C. Sullivan Public Library of Wilton Manors, our independent municipal Library since 1957, over to the county system.

Ignoring the rabid efforts by the far-right to erase our LGBTQ+ literary culture through book bans and the prohibition against community programs featuring our community's drag entertainers, our civic leaders, who last year voted themselves each a substantial raise, can't seem to find the funds for library support.

However, underwriting expenses for annual street celebrations seem to be top of the agenda when it comes to this City Commission's agenda (Pride celebrations heavily encumbered by corporate marketing are truly big bucks!), whereas maintaining and improving the quality of life of all the citizens of our community by providing resources that enhance and contribute to individual knowledge, enlightenment, and enjoyment in the most efficient manner possible, needs to be billed to Broward County.

For 57 years, grounded in the distinct culture of the LGBTQ+ community of Wilton Manors, our library has been a prominent educational institution recognizing its responsibility to serve as a place for children to discover the joy of reading and the value of libraries. And our library membership is free. Remember, we charged everyone, push-out, homeless LGBTQ+ kids included, to come and celebrate Pride in Wilton Manors.

Within the unique and world-class culture of our community, where love and acceptance should always win, our library is helping to create and sustain generations of advocates for the rights and freedom of all people. The difference is (and this is a big difference) we see life through the lens of living in a county, state, and national minority. In addition to safe spaces for the homeless, underserved populations, and children, our Library can help with English language learning, serve as a community hub, drawing people together, preserve history and truth, and increase digital equality.

Do not dilute our struggle for a better life in Wilton Manors by tossing our library into the county bureaucratic system. How many of us are Friends of the Wilton Manors Library? I encourage all to donate books and funds – individual, corporate, and foundation. In your estate planning, remember the Richard C. Sullivan Library of Wilton Manors. Our Fund can be helpful with this. The biggest gift our library will ever get is a planned gift.

Above all, vigorously lobby our civic leaders to make the independence of the Wilton Manors Library a priority. Shirking their responsibility to preserve our heritage and have just one more piece of public art or another year of corporate-clad street festivals just won't make anyone's life better in Wilton Manors.

Thomas Paul Severino, Wilton Manors Resident


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