When Will Y'all Get It? | LETTER

  • Editor's Note: Letters to the Editor are lightly proofread and edited for clarity. We do not correct every mistake or grammatical error.

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President-elect Donald Trump. Photo by Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons.

Are Democrats capable of truly understanding the election results?

What really has changed since Nov. 5?

Are you still able to get married? Yes! Are you still able to kill innocent babies? Yes! Has gold dropped in price indicating a strong economy forth coming? Yes! Has Secret Service or the FBI come knocking at your door? No!

So what really has changed and what are you fearful of?

Stop screaming the sky is falling. Your marriage is safe and secure as when you went bed and woke up this morning thanks to Republican Justice Kennedy, who was the swing vote. Did y'all forget that?

Indoctrination, sexualization, and medicalization have no place in any schools whatsoever. Parents who support and condone their ill-advised children should be charged with child abuse. They are children that should have the right to grow up and mature mentally first. Yes, Virginia, there are only two genders: male and female.

Abortion belongs to the states and should NOT be used as birth control.

Open borders have led to violet deaths and drug overdoses. A city commissioner lost his partner to open border drug lords.

Folks, the above has been the Democrat platform. They ran it in the 2024 Presidential Election. They've run this for years and it has been not successful. When will ya'll learn?

Hate the "orange man" all you want. He's not inviting you to Mar-a-Lago for a hamburger. But he will bring our country back believe it or not! Trust me, y'all called me worse names and hurled insults which were more violent than President Trump ever proclaimed on anyone. The ever so kind loving and embracing gay community. It’s not if you don't drink their Kool-Aid!

I've been in politics 46 years. I've ran for office. I won and I lost. I know the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Nobody likes losing, but take a deep breath, step back, and review why you lost and try to fix it.

Remember if you run in the future as a Democrat, the woke, trans, abortion platform will not get you elected by We The People! You have Alfredo Olvera from Dolphin Democrats running for Democratic Chair of Broward and is promoting this very agenda! Didn't work for Nikki Fried either!

In this world, We The People are deciding good versus evil and your once very blue Broward is looking more purple.

Andrew R. Brett, President Emeritus Log Cabin Republicans of Broward


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