Out & Loud: 'Drive-Away Dolls’ Features Lesbian Road Trip; Miss Major Celebrates Golden Jubilee

Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan in "Drive Away Dolls." Photo courtesy of Working Title/Focus Features.
Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan in "Drive Away Dolls." Photo courtesy of Working Title/Focus Features.

A new trailer features a lesbian road trip, Yasmin Benoit speaks on life as an asexual, and Miss Major Celebrates Golden Jubilee. 

‘Drive-Away Dolls’ Features Dynamic Lesbian Road Trip In New Trailer 

“Drive-Away Dolls” is an upcoming film written by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke about two lesbian women who play criminals chased by Matt Damon.  

Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan play the lead roles as Jamie and Marian respectively. 

The trailer teased Miley Cyrus as a psychedelic, Pedro Pascal, Beanie Feldstein, and more. The movie is set to include gun showdowns, police calls, sexy scenes, and much more.  

The trailer released June 24 and the film is set to release on Sep. 22.  

Yasmin Benoit Discusses Navigating A World Obsessed With Sex As An Asexual 

Yasmin Benoit, photo via Wikipedia.
Yasmin Benoit, photo via Wikipedia.

Yasmin Benoit, the aromantic-asexual founder of #ThisIsWhatAsexualLooksLike, talked with Metro Entertainment in an answer to the question, “How do I navigate a world obsessed with sex as an asexual?” 

“It can definitely be scary and the world can be hard to navigate sometimes! Unfortunately, there are always going to be people who don’t take no for an answer whether you’re asexual or not,” said Benoit.  

Benoit advises navigating dating in platonic-oriented situations, and more. 

Check out the full interview at metro.co.uk.  

Miss Major Celebrates Golden Jubilee Of Fighting For Trans Rights 

Miss Major, June 29, 2014. Photo by Quinn Dombrowski, via Flickr.
Miss Major, June 29, 2014. Photo by Quinn Dombrowski, via Flickr.

Miss Major Griffin-Gracy is a survivor of the Stonewall Riots and mother to many trans women.  

This pride, the Black trans activist has been working to serve the community for 50 years. She has survived being knocked unconscious at Stonewall, overcame years of prison abuse, outsmarted white gay non-profit leaders who were anti-sex work and transphobic, built programs to defend neglected queer people nationwide, and much more. 

“All these people who challenged and fought me – where are they? They’re gone. I’m here … I’m still fucking here,” said Miss Major.  

While many anti-queer bills are passed in Arkansas, she continues to enjoy life and share it with others through many programs that are next to her house and nationwide. 


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