Divas, Big Peters, Sing-alongs & Keeping Wilma Gay

Members of Wilton Drive Voice. Photo via wiltondrivevoice.com.

Diva is in the house! Sunshine Cathedral has the inimitable Amy Armstrong, on Saturday, March 23. Don’t let the title of her new show, “Music Heals” fool you. She is the diva with the voice of an angel and the mouth of a sailor. She got her start in Chicago’s cabaret circuit and quickly rose to worldwide acclaim, her show’s a part concert, part stand-up, and all fun!

Mark your calendars for April 20 as the Wilton Manors Community Sing-Along returns. Join the Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida and the Bears of South Florida at 3 p.m. at Hunters Nightclub. Bring your friends and neighbors for an unforgettable musical journey. Whether you're a seasoned singer, enjoy singing in the shower, or can’t carry a tune (Moi!), everyone in our vibrant community is invited to this special event.

To paraphrase a song from Sesame Street, “Who are the people in your gayborhood?”

As we have seen too often, communities that were developed by the LGBTQ community become popular places to live and sometimes become so gentrified that the LGBTQ people and businesses that made the community what it was could no longer afford to live there. Greenwich Village, or Chelsea in New York, the Castro in San Francisco, Lakeview, and Andersonville in Chicago and Miami Beach are examples of once-gay enclaves.

Preserving the diverse culture of the LGBTQ community in Wilton Manors is a top priority of Jude Belanger. He previously served on the Planning and Zoning Board of Wilton Manors and saw large eight-story building projects that were approved which could change the face of the LGBTQ community in Wilton Manors and wanted to offer special attention to preserving Wilton Manors’ unique LGBTQ identity as it grows. Belanger, along with concerned local business owners, and advocate citizens and allies call themselves Wilton Drive Voice. They are working on a common goal to preserve and advance the culture by presenting initiatives that support the well-being of equality and diversity through civic engagement and participation with LGBTQ businesses and local non-profits. Building on the foundation of heritage preservation and cultural advancement. Wilton Drive Voice's mission is to safeguard Wilton Manor’s LGBTQ cultural heritage by preserving and advancing traditions, businesses, arts, health, non-profits, and practices for future generations.

On March 21 from 7-9 p.m. Eagle Wilton Manors will host a “Town Hall” meeting including a panel discussion with Wilton Manors Commissioners Chris Caputo and Don D’ Arminio, and local business owners Mark Hunter, Chuck King, Steven Crawford, and Claudia Castillo, among others. A Q&A will follow the discussion and refreshments will be served.

The Cultural Heritage Strategy is alive in San Francisco with remarkable success. Other large LGBTQ communities nationwide are doing similar strategies or have representatives in local government assigned to address the issues at hand. This strategy by Wilton Drive Voice will begin the conversation to bring awareness on how to safeguard a prosperous LBGTQ culture for future generations, the action steps that are necessary to potentially overcome these challenges, and an ongoing evergreen process to face any unknown future challenges that might arise. For more information, go to wiltondrivevoice.com.


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