Dana Swift wanted to explore themes of identity, self-discovery, and what to do in the face of failure, so she wrote "Cast in Firelight."
Nikki Payne wanted to write about shame and redemption, as well as Black and Native folks in small towns, so she wrote “Sex Lies and Sensibility”.
Melissa Albert has always been fascinated by that line between childhood and adolescence, and how it's an intense and painful thing when two friends who love each other are looking at each other across that line, so that's one of the things that inspired her to write "The Bad Ones".
Will Duraffourg wanted to write about J. R. R. Tolkien's life, so with the help of artist Giancarlo Caracuzzo, he wrote the graphic novel "Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness".
Curiosity killed the cat. That's what Grandma said when you were a nosy little kid, but hey, you needed to learn about your world. Asking questions, that's what kids do – and so do savvy grown-ups. Curiosity may have plagued Grandma's cat, but as you'll see in "Seek" by Scott Shigeoka, a lack of it could do you harm.
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