Wilton Manors’ city commissioners don't need to finalize its new budget until late September. It’s good they have some time because balancing the budget will be a true balancing act.
At a pair of special, budget centric meetings on July 24, they voted to raise the city’s millage rate by roughly 12%, capping the rate for FY25 at 6.7 mils. They could lower the amount before the final budget is approved.
The proposed rate suggested by city staff was 6.8582, about 14.5%. Commissioners Don D’Arminio and Chris Caputo were very vocal about holding the rate to 10%. D’Arminio held fast and voted no, while Caputo voted for 12% now, in order to give the city wiggle room in their ongoing negotiations with the police union.
“It’s hard to make a budget with a big unknown,” Commissioner Paul Rolli pointed out during the discussion.
The budget, which already freezes several positions and hours worked, will need to find at least $600,000 in cuts or new revenue.
The city will hold another budget workshop Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at city hall.
Important to Know
-City comprises only about 25% of your total property tax bill
-The rest is comprised of county, school, and other taxing authorities
-Like many households; increases in health insurance, building/infrastructure maintenance, and overall inflation are driving the increases
-The Homestead exemption limits the value of your property from being raised more than 3%. Taxing authorities can raise the amount they tax you as much as they want