Wilton Manors Library Reopens After Infestation

Photo via wiltonmanors.gov.

Wilton Manors’ public library is once again open to the community. The staff reopened the facility at 9 a.m. Aug. 26. All scheduled programs and meetings are back on as well. In other words, business as normal.

The library was closed for nearly two weeks after an infestation of bed bugs was discovered. The building closed on Aug. 14 and was subsequently “tented” for fumigation. One member of the library told The Gazette that the tent was up for a long time to make sure the building is pest free. They say there is no residual odor.

No fines accrued for late items during the closure, but people with borrowed materials are urged to return them as soon as possible.

The library will be closed Saturday, Aug. 31-Monday, Sept. 2 for Labor Day weekend.


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