Q&A with Rep. Daryl Campbell: 'I Have Filed For Reelection'

FL Rep. Daryl Campbell. Courtesy Facebook.

Rep. Daryl Campbell (D) is the state representative whose sprawling and diverse district encompasses the entirety of Wilton Manors. He is completing his first term. In Tallahassee, he is a junior member of the Healthcare Subcommittee. 

We chatted with Campbell about his future in Tallahassee, the culture wars, and what he has to offer the LGBTQ community.

Thanks for talking to us. Let’s get right into it: are you running again?

Daryl Campbell: It’s been the most enjoyable experience of my life. I have filed for reelection, I’ve started campaigning. The diversity of my district really pushes me to get off the sidelines because what’s happening in Tallahassee is affecting the areas I represent.

You’re a freshman in the state congress. What have you accomplished?

DC: A great deal. Initially, there was a lot of just trying to get oriented to the role. But, in my last session, it was the first time we could input any special appropriations. I was able to bring in $8 million to our district and through a bill that focuses on prevention, research, care of individuals suffering from sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia impacts 1/5 people in Florida, the highest in the nation. Our state can be a leading voice for providing care and spearheading research.

What are the biggest challenges in Tallahassee? 

DC: The culture wars. Fighting back against social policies that take swings at the people in my district. That really hits home. The other challenge is engaging my constituents. I’ve held town halls in each one of the cities in my district. People just don’t show up. Regularly. The persistent lack of interest is troubling, especially considering all that we are fighting for in the capital.

There are disproportionately high numbers of the LGBTQ community in your district. What’s happening with your work on the Healthcare Subcommittee that might most impact the residents of Wilton Manors?

DC: Right now, I am paying attention to Medicaid and Medicaid reimbursement. Facilities like SunServe, the Pride Center, AHF and others haven’t had a pay rate increase in decades. They are providing important services to their communities and need to continue that work. And we need to increase the Medicaid reimbursement rates for these kinds of institutions.

I was talking to an organization that is losing $400k because of the state’s rates. This is why it’s so important. If we could expand Medicaid, we would get matching in federal money. Of course, it’s so politicized once you cross-party lines that we are having trouble getting around it. But we are going to keep trying. We are fighting on every front to make sure that people live healthy, prosperous and safe in Florida.


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