
In a world where diversity and inclusion are celebrated, two incredible individuals are rising above adversity and making their voices heard. Black trans women, Tatiana Williams and Adrianna Tender, are rewriting the narrative and demanding recognition and respect in the LGBTQ+ community. Their accomplishments are nothing short of inspirational, and their presence signifies a significant step towards a more inclusive world.

In the vibrant and diverse landscape of South Florida, the LGBTQ+ community continues to flourish, embracing its history and looking toward a brighter future. In this edition of OUTSFL, we delve into the heart of this thriving community, exploring key events, organizations, and influential individuals that shape its identity.

In a surprising turn of events, the South Florida LGBTQ+ community has been left stunned as the SMART Ride, a beloved and iconic charity event, announced its unexpected conclusion. The news broke on social media and sent shockwaves through the community, leaving many questioning the reasons behind this sudden decision. In this article, we delve into the details of the SMART Ride's history, the impact of its closure, and the speculations surrounding its demise.

In an unapologetically flamboyant show of resistance, drag queens across Florida seized the spotlight during the first Republican primary debate, hosted by Hamburger Mary’s in Wilton and Orlando. Undeterred by the recent attempts by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to stifle their voices, these fierce advocates of LGBTQ+ rights turned viewing parties into vibrant platforms for commentary and criticism, taking aim at what they saw as a field of candidates attempting to "out-Maga" each other.

In the dynamic landscape of LGBTQ+ news and advocacy, the "OUTSFL Weekly Roundup" brings to light a range of captivating stories, from community support to micro-marketing marvels. As a part of Happening Out Television Network, this innovative source of information aims to educate, inform, and entertain the LGBTQ+ community while promoting transparency and authenticity.

In the vibrant heart of South Florida, LGBTQ+ news and community support have found a powerful voice through the "OUTSFL Weekly LGBTQ+ News Update and Community Support" initiative. Spearheaded by the esteemed "Queer News Tonight" show, this endeavor has become a cornerstone of information, camaraderie, and assistance for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies.

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Wilton Manors, FL 33305



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Out South Florida

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