'The Gravity of Us' - Growing Into Love

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"The Gravity of Us" by Brittainy Cherry.

Brittainy Cherry was inspired by the idea of two complete opposites falling in love with each other, and that's how "The Gravity of Us" came to be.

What was your inspiration behind your most recent book?

My inspiration behind “The Gravity of Us” was based on taking two complete opposites, and making them fall in love with one another. Graham is the definition of a grump, while Lucy is a free spirit who sees the good in everything and everyone. Since it is the final book in the Elements Series and based on “Earth” I wanted to tell a story about two individuals who not only ground one another, but also lift each other up so they can each be the best versions of themselves.

What does Reading Rainbow mean to you? Why do you think it's so important to be a proud reader of all genres and by writers of all backgrounds?

Reading Rainbow means reading stories that showcase just how diverse and beautiful this planet is. We were all made different, and that’s for a very important reason — for us to see and hear stories in a million different voices and to help us expand. Some people only live in the same place their whole lives, but with stories that are packed with diversity, they are able to travel to lands they’d never imagined, to see things from different point of views, and to grow as a person solely due to the written word. It’s a gift that keeps giving, and that pride is beyond words important.

Tell us a little more about the book and why you decided to write it. Why do you feel that romance has taken off as a genre so much recently, and why do you feel readers are passionate about these types of stories?

I wanted to write this story because I think it’s important to showcase that you don’t have to be exactly like your partner to know that they are the one meant for you. It shows that two opposites can learn and grow into love, and I think that’s a beautiful concept. I think romance has taken off because it’s something that we are born craving — not only relationship love, but love in all formats. It’s the one thing in the world that all types of humans crave. It’s a powerful reminder that we were born to love and to take care of each other. Romance novels are that for us all. It’s somewhat an escape, yes, but also it feels like coming home to the very core of humanity. Love is what we are when you break it down to its bones.

Which character surprised you the most as you were drafting their story? Why?

I think Graham’s growth surprised me in the best way. Writing closed off grumps is always a challenge, because I feel like they don’t open up to me, the author, right away. It’s like peeling back the layers of a character to discover why they are the way they are. Then, when I get to that point in the craft, it feels like a huge sigh of relief. Graham didn’t make it easy for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What's up next for you in the bookish world?

I have a new release coming out Jan. 31, called “The Problem with Falling,” followed by an angst-packed novel called “If You Stayed,” coming April 22. Both books are filled with heart and emotion, and I cannot wait to share them with the world!


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