‘Right-Wing Idiots’ Be Warned - Thelma and the Sleaze Comes to Respectable Street Thursday

  • This story is for OutFAU, our student publication covering Florida Atlantic University. To see more from OutFAU click here

Thelma and the Sleaze. Photo via Facebook.

Lauren “LG” Gilbert doesn’t consider a performance a success unless she’s pissed off “a right-wing idiot.”

She is the founder of Thelma and the Sleaze, a queer all female Rock and Roll band that started in Nashville, as well as the singer and lead guitar player. They are performing at Respectable Street in West Palm Beach on Feb. 22; doors open at 8 p.m.

Respectable Street is an alternative music venue and bar that opened in 1987 in an old Salvation Army building. They have hosted over 1,000 live acts, including Thelma and the Sleaze, for previous performances.

Florida has made national headlines for legislative attacks on the LGBTQ community, which LG states means Florida is one of the places Thelma and the Sleaze especially needs to play.

For LG the mere act of performing is a political statement.

“What we've done as women and as queer women, unfortunately, even without us trying is political,” LG said. “You know what I mean? And that's something that we don't often get credit for. It's not like we're dudes who walk out on stage and get to play music. The fact that we're walking out on stage is political, whether we use our platforms or get up on stage and say anything, it's political.”

She reflects on a previous Thelma and the Sleaze performance at another venue where the band that went on before them were exhibiting racist behavior. Her bandmates were hesitant to perform, but LG said that was when they needed to the most.

“I'm fucking glad we did because there were at least three queer babies at that show who had sat through that band and waited for us to come out, and we're so happy because bands like us don't come there very often because they are fucking scared,” LG said. “We are never fucking scared.”

Tickets are available at eventbrite.com or at the door. Respectable Street is located at 518 Clematis St., West Palm Beach. Thelma and the Sleaze’s latest album “Holey Water” is available for digital purchase on Bandcamp.


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


Corrections: corrections@outsfl.com

PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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