Welcome to OutFAU – An Act of Defiance | Opinion

Courtesy of Mary Rasura.

Welcome to the first issue of OutFAU, a new student publication at FAU – by and for the LGBTQ+ and allied community.

The Center for IDEAs, a safe space for queer students and those belonging to other marginalized communities, has closed. The diversity page on FAU’s website now says “page not found.” FAU’s annual drag show in the fall faced uncertainty until it changed its name, and restricted who was allowed to attend, including no one under 18.

These issues and more are what inspired us to launch OutFAU. The DeSantis administration wishes to silence and erase us. This fight is far from over. A few years ago, this publication would not even be noticed. Today it is an act of defiance.

Today, being queer is an act of defiance.

For many in the LGBTQ+ community, just existing is an act of defiance.

I’ve often felt the desire to leave Florida after I graduate, even though I’ve lived in this state my entire life, due to the current political climate. I’ve come to realize that Florida is my home as much as anyone else’s, and I, and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole, shouldn’t be made to feel unwelcome.

OutFAU is for our community to come together, to recognize and express the vibrant queer community that still exists in Florida even as our government seeks to make us disappear.

This is a publication where we are visible. This platform is not only a tool of resistance, but a place for joy, art and connection.

Please contact me with any questions, concerns or tips at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sign up for our newsletter here. Follow us on Instagram: @outfau.


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