Orlando Gonzales – The Defender of Equality

Photo Courtesy of Orlando Gonzales.

As Executive Director of Safeguarding American Values for Everyone (SAVE), Orlando Gonzales has the difficult assignment of countering an increasingly hostile political climate. 

But giving up is not an option.

“We always fight back,” said Gonzales when asked if the pendulum can swing back in the Sunshine State. “We just need more resources.”

Gonzales assumed the ED position at SAVE in the fall of 2019, and has continued the Miami-based organization’s mission to promote, protect and defend equality for people in South Florida who are LGBT. 

Prior to landing at SAVE, Gonzales served as Chief of Staff and Communications Operations Manager at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) in Washington D.C. The non-profit, created out of Obamacare, works to empower patients and others with actionable information about their health and health care choices through funding comparative clinical effectiveness research. 

A native of El Paso, Texas, Gonzales earned a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Georgetown University and a Master in Public Administration with honors from City University of New York’s Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at The Bernard Baruch College in New York City.

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