
As the sun sets on the illustrious two-decade legacy of the SMART Ride this year, I find myself immersed in memories and reflections, compelled to share a chapter of my life that’s interwoven with this cause — and encourage you to be a part of it.

When Ray and I made the decision to have a puppy join us in our final years, we were conscious of the chaos doing so would include. Our floors are covered with large diaper pads and more than a dozen toys. When Sebastian playfully sinks his tiny shark teeth into our arm, or a chair leg there needs to be a toy or chew stick within arm’s reach to distract him.

Squawking about the nation’s debt after your party spent like drunk sailors on leave is like eating a rib-eye at Ruth’s Chris, then planting a fly under the bone to get a free meal. You ordered and ate the steak, sir. Yes, but I didn’t order the fly that came with it, and don’t you think your prices are obscene?

My spouse and I have been together for 10 years. It started long distance and then in year five we moved in together. Over the last five years we have had a recurring argument about the type and frequency of sex. I feel my partner doesnt want to have sex with me. Does my partner not find me attractive?


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