‘Dry January’ Party Hopes to Start Trend

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Photo via Fay Albernas (FayWhat?!), Facebook.

The adage goes, “You don’t need alcohol to have a good time.” That sentiment was proven true at a Dry January party.

“This is the first event of its kind in Wilton Manors, and you’re a part of it,” event organizer Karen Traynor exclaimed.

At a time when many are still wringing out their liver from a boozy holiday season, many embrace the Dry January concept as an excuse to throttle back on alcohol consumption. Others, including the party’s celebrity bartender FayWhat?!, live sober lives but still like to dance, scream, and spill drinks on each other in crowded gatherings.

The event was held in the event space next to Wilton Collective. Traynor, who founded the G Girls of South Florida, dubbed the space The Hideaway, and holds events there for all members of the community.

This was an independent event, but fits in with a larger trend towards more inclusive events. Traynor hopes to make sober parties a quarterly event.


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