Dolphin Democrats Hold Elections

Alfredo Olvera via

Who will speak out against anti-LGBTQ laws? Who will organize rallies? Who will go to Tallahassee and lobby for the community?

The LGBTQ community is facing attacks from lawmakers at all levels, including locally and in Florida. Florida’s Dolphin Democrats have chosen their team to get people through the election year.

During their February meeting, they restored Alfredo Olvera as president. He stepped down a year ago due to limits on consecutive terms. Fierce advocate Adrianna Tender was elected to a full term as vice president.

Frederick Hunter will serve as Secretary, Tina Jaramillo, Brian Bender, Justin Gladney, Sabrina Javellana, and James Brenner will serve as Directors.

Javellana became president last fall when Todd Delmay abruptly quit during his term. Tender became her vice president. Javellana never intended to run for her own term, and Tender teamed up with Olvera to head their ticket.

Their mission is an uphill battle. Republicans in Florida continue to marginalize just about anyone who is not white, male, and Christian. Attacks on trans youth and adults, women, LGBTQ, books, education and more are at an all-time high. How Olvera and his team contribute to minimizing their impact will tell the community a lot about how the November elections will play out.


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