Congratulations on OutSFL | LETTER

Vol. 1 Issue 2 of OUTSFL
Vol. 1 Issue 2 of OUTSFL

How pleased I was to find that out of the ashes of the SFGN, a new voice has arisen.

We in South Florida need to continue to be a visible presence in our communities, in the state, and around the nation. The relentless attacks from Ron DeSantis and his cronies make it imperative that we not remain silent. We must assert early and often how much we disagree with DeSantis' implication that what he does is applauded by everyone in Florida. There are forces that continue to try to erase us and we must unite to prevent them from succeeding. 

We may not win every battle against such a tyrant, but making our opposition apparent is the point. He's counting on our silence. Let's not let him win on that score. 

Congratulations on launching OutSFL. May you continue to make our communities more human, more relevant, more present, and more accountable in shaping our daily lives in freedom. Let ours be authentic freedom, not the mantra of DeSantis that proclaims the state free while actually imposing greater restrictions on women, minorities, voters, teachers, librarians, universities, and on the LGBTQ community. 


Michael Varga, Wilton Manors 


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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Out South Florida

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