To Our Staff – A Thank You

Photo via Pexels.

As 2023 comes to a close, Justin Wyse, my business partner, and I would like to thank our staff for the incredible work they’ve done since we launched June 1.

Owning the newspaper is the easy part. The hard part is what our editorial staff do every week to make sure there’s a print edition for you to read on Thursdays, fresh content to read every day online, and making sure you see those stories through our various newsletters and social media. And let’s not forget the sales staff who keep this place in business by generating revenue from all the advertisements you see in print and online.

It’s because of all of you we have this publication. I am so proud of what we’ve accomplished this year. So again, thank you.

Kimberly Swan, Christiana Lilly, Julie Palmer, Kyle Willis, Craig Tuggle, Brendon Lies, Rick Karlin, John Hayden, J.R. Davis, Carina Mask, Brian McNaught, Jesse Monteagudo, Sabrina Haake, Fred Fejes, John Porter, Kelly Ghweinem, Steve Rothaus, J.W. Arnold, John McDonald, Sean Conklin, Deon Jefferson, David-Elijah Nahmod, Aurora Dominguez, Denise Royal, Mary Rasura, Christian Walden, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Gregg Shapiro, Kennedy McKinney, Michael Anguille, Robert DeDominic, Aaron Kinchen, Chris Allan, Tessa Becker, Richie Wilson, Johnathan Rey, Tyler Brayton, Pier Angelo, Edwin Neimann, Silvio Carvana, Cory Livengood, Sean McShee, and any other folks we may have mistakenly left out.


Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


2520 N. Dixie Highway,
Wilton Manors, FL 33305



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Out South Florida

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