OutFAU Launched - New Student Publication Gives a Peek into LGBTQ Life on Campus

Last week, OutSFL published its new paper OutFAU – an LGBTQ student newspaper on the campus of Florida Atlantic University.

The idea, which formed in October, came together quickly once Mary Rasura took the lead on the new initiative – helping to develop the concept and execute the project.

“I’m very excited [about] this new publication on FAU’s campus. I want the LGBTQ community at FAU and everywhere in Florida to feel supported, seen and heard,” Rasura said. “I invite any students to reach out to me if they would like to get involved.”

Rasura has been named its executive editor. Kenny Ruff, another student at FAU, has been named assistant editor.

“Right now, the fight for LGBTQ equality is taking place in education,” said OutSFL Publisher Jason Parsley. “So it just makes sense for us to have a presence on campus.”

Ruff, who is also president of Lavender Alliance, one of the LGBTQ clubs on campus, helped distribute the first issue during a tabling event where clubs set up a table to promote themselves.

Besides those pop-up events, students can find OutFAU outside the former Center for IDEAs in the Student Union. Rasura is looking for more places to distribute in the future. OutFAU also has its own page on OutSFL’s website; an Instagram account @outfau; and a digital newsletter

“Right-wing fanatics at the state level are doing everything in their power to silence and erase us,” Parsley said. “The reason for OutFAU is to make sure that doesn’t happen and to show them we won’t go quietly. Our voices won’t be silenced. Our lives and our histories won’t be erased. We’re here. We’re queer. Get used to it.”

Contact Rasura at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information regarding the new publication, including contributing. For those interested in advertising email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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