Out & Loud: Taylor Armstrong Comes Out as Bi; Trans Politician Runs for Congress

Taylor Armstrong. Photo by Eva Rinaldi, via Wikimedia Commons.

“The Real Housewives of Orange County” Taylor Armstrong comes out as bisexual, Sen. Sarah McBride runs for Congress, and an activist is releasing a memoir.

Taylor Armstrong Comes Out As Bisexual

During June 28’s episode of “The Real Housewives of Orange County” 52-year-old Taylor Armstrong came out of the closet and opened up about a five-year relationship with a woman before marriage to her first husband.

Newcomer to the show Jennifer Pendantri danced around asking Armstrong if she is bisexual and her response may or may not be shocking.

“Most people are surprised to find out that I’m bisexual … I mean it’s not something I broadcast, but I’m open to all people who have great souls that you can love,” said Armstrong.

Highest-Ranking Trans Politician Runs For Congress

McBride Delaware Sen. Sarah McBride. Photo via victoryfund.org.

State Senator Sarah McBride (D) for Delaware is running for the US House of Representatives and if elected will be the first trans congresswoman.

McBride is the first trans person to work in the White House, to speak at the Democratic National Convention, and a State Senator.

“I believe that Delaware is ready. We’ve shown that small states can do big things, and it’s time for us to do that again,” said McBride.

McBride is highly focused on serving her constituents, but could bring much-needed representation for all transgender Americans.

Activist Pidgeon Pagonis To Release Memoir

Pidgeon Pidgeon Pagonis. Photo via intersexjusticeproject.org.

Co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project and activist Pidgeon Pagonis will release their new memoir, “Nobody Needs to Know” on Aug. 15.

The memoir covers Pagonis’ life growing up in Chicago, raised as a girl who was born intersex with traits that don’t fit the “normal” binary. Pagonis goes in-depth behind the doctor’s multiple medical procedures to force them into a binary without informing their parents.

Pagonis was able to push the hospital, Lurie Children’s Hospital, to stop the dehumanizing procedures and become the first medical institution in the US to commit to end genital surgeries on intersex youth.

Pagonis’ goal of the memoir is to continue the fight for intersex and trans inclusion, especially as the ACLU is tracking over 490 bills to restrict LGBT rights.

“I think that’s ultimately why I wrote the book now without even knowing,” said Pagonis. “We’re in an unprecedented time, in terms of legislation that’s been proposed and passed over the last three years, it’s been getting worse and worse against trans [and intersex] people, especially against their rights to access gender-affirming care.”


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