Books for Trans Kids

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"Free to Be: Understanding Kids & Gender Identity" by Jack Turban, MD, and "My Child is Trans, Now What?" by Ben V. Greene.

Your child has recently told you a secret that they can't hold tight anymore.

You've suspected what they're about to say for a long time. When they were small, they weren't like other children. They may have even told you what they were thinking, even before they knew it themselves. But now you know, for sure... and so, going forward, you're the loving parent of a child who's trans, and it's a learning curve.

These two books might help...

Surely, you must think that there has to be some science behind gender and identity, right? In "Free to Be: Understanding Kids & Gender Identity" by Jack Turban, MD (Atria, $29.99), you'll follow the lives and struggles of three trans and gender diverse kids, Kyle, Sam, and Meredith, as Turban explains what science knows about genetics and sexuality.

To gain a basic understanding of the subject, says Turban, we need to look back in history to see how gender identity was perceived in the past and the attitudes that our ancestors held. He then touches upon language and "misnaming," how social constructs attempt to set a child's gender identity before it's fully known, and why mothers often catch "blame" for something that's never anyone's "fault." Further information on biology, puberty blockers, gender reassignment surgery for young trans people, and the "politics" of gender diversity round out this book nicely.

For the parent who wants a deeper dive into what makes their child tick and what they can do to make that kid's life easier, this compassionate book is the one to read.

If you're just finding out that your child is trans, then "My Child is Trans, Now What?" by Ben V. Greene (Rowman & Littlefield, $26.95) is a book to reach for now.

Beginning with the things you'll want to know and understand immediately, this book is assuring and soothing – look, and you'll see the word "joy" in its subtitle. Greene calls trans kids "VIPs," and he means it, which sets a relaxing tone for what's to come here.

In sharing his own experiences, Greene stresses that every trans experience is different, and he touches often upon his coming out. This launches discussions on things like bathrooms, therapy (if you or your VIP want it), finding support, the politics of being trans, the stressors of medical treatment, and what it might be like to have even brief regrets. Greene finishes his book with advice on getting an education and living as a trans person.

"My Child is Trans, Now What?" is truly more of a book for parents and loved ones of trans teens or young adults. What's in here goes well beyond childhood, so be aware before you reach for it on the shelf.

And if these books aren't enough, or don't quite fit what you need, be sure to ask your favorite bookseller or librarian for more. In recent years, more and more authors have been willing to share their own journeys, making the transition one that doesn't have to be so secret anymore.

"Free to Be: Understanding Kids & Gender Identity" by Jack Turban, MD
c.2024, Atria $29.99 304 pages

"My Child is Trans, Now What? A Joy-Centered Approach to Support" by Ben V. Greene
c.2024, Rowman & Littlefield $26.95 203 pages


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