Thanksgiving Message: The Power of Gratitude | Opinion

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Thanksgiving, for me, is a time to pause, reflect, and truly embrace gratitude for the remarkable people, places, and experiences that have shaped our lives — whether from years ago or those we cherish today. This profound sense of appreciation brings a happiness that is deeply special and lasting.

Years ago, I discovered the transformative power of living with a gratitude list—a simple yet powerful practice that has been a guiding light in my life. Every 90 days, I update this list, beginning with a “Top 10” of everything I value most, from the people and qualities that define me to the tools and experiences that uplift me during both triumphs and challenges.

My gratitude list serves as a compass and a toolbox. It reminds me of the things that keep me grounded when life is abundant and inspired when times get tough. It helps me stay resilient, optimistic, and humble, no matter the circumstances. This practice has never let me down — and as I approach 60, I’m confident it never will.

At the very top of my list is my faith in God. This belief anchors me, whether I’m facing tragedies I don’t fully understand or celebrating moments of overwhelming joy and abundance. Faith teaches me that everything happens for a reason and that even in the darkest times, there is good to be found if we look for it.

My list also reminds me to focus on what matters today — not yesterday. Yesterday is gone; it’s water under the bridge. Instead, I choose gratitude for my strengths, like intuition, work ethic, and communication skills. These tools have lifted me countless times, giving me the courage to dream big, stay inspired, and never quit.

Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate this gratitude list — a living, breathing reflection of what makes life so meaningful. I encourage you to create your own list. Think about the things you love, the people you cherish, and the qualities that make you uniquely you. Celebrate every one of them. You’ll feel uplifted and empowered, I promise.

Wishing you a safe, happy, and blessed holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!

Bobby Blair is a LGBTQ media pioneer and leader known for his philanthropic work on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. A Florida native, he lives in Fort Lauderdale with his longtime partner, Brian Neal. Blair was inducted into the GLBT Hall of Fame in 2015.


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