The Best Museum in Broward Goes to...

Courtesy photo.

The Stonewall National Museum Archives & Library, Broward’s Best Museum, keeps up with the times, even as it observes its 50th anniversary.

This year, Stonewall put “Library” back in its name, recognizing its original function. It closed its Museum on Wilton Drive, moving its operation to Sunrise Boulevard. And it hired Executive Director Robert Kesten, who has moved Stonewall into new directions.

Kesten and his team have much to be proud about.

“We are proud of our new exhibit, ‘Standing on the Shoulders of Heroes.’ This exhibit focuses on individuals who have had an enormous impact on our community and remind us that knowing history is the first step in forging a better future.”

Kesten is also proud of “our efforts to ensure parity in our archives and library between women and men, and all those who have been marginalized in the past … Our commitment to addressing historic prejudice within our community through exhibits, programs, discussions, and ensuring access to everyone who wants to be part of the Stonewall family … We have dedicated a gallery for 18 months to these efforts, starting a process of building trust and expanding our understanding of our diverse community.

“One thing important to recognize in these troubled times is that we are not the same people who kicked off the liberation movement back in the summer of 1969. We have every reason to hold our heads high, and we do not have to apologize for who we are. This is all documented in our archives and our library.”

1300 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Runner-Up: Museum of Discovery and Science


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Phone: 954-514-7095
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 2PM


PO Box 23817 • Oakland Park, FL 33307



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